LHR's tangle-resistant coated taglines are specifically designed to be a safe alternative to traditional rope taglines. Traditional rope taglines can easily become tangled or wrapped aroound a person's leg or other surrounding object as the crane is lifitng the load causing a potentially hazardous condition to personnel and damage to equipment. Traditional rope taglines can also become saturated with liquids and oils making them slippery and reducing grip. LHR's tangle-resistant coated taglines provides rigidity preventing entanglement with personnel and other objects while also providing better grip for better control.
Red - 10 ft | LHR TLD110 |
Orange - 15 ft | LHR TLD115 |
Yellow - 20 ft | LHR TLD120 |
Green - 25 ft | LHR TLD125 |
Blue - 30 ft | LHR TLD130 |
Purple - 35 ft | LHR TLD135 |
White - 40 ft | LHR TLD140 |
Grey - 45 ft | LHR TLD145 |
Brown - 50 ft | LHR TLD150 |
Black - 60 ft | LHR TLD160 |
Black - 65 ft | LHR TLD165 |